Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Church Vs Social Life? Advice please...?

I believe in god and I do go to church every once in a while. I honestly don't have a social life and I feel I need one. But it seems everytime when I'm about to do something I always wanted to do, what I don't do in church always get thrown up in my face. I hear this so much to the point where I just don't believe anymore, and I'm just not sure.

I was just thinking back to when I started going out for the first time in two years and how badly my mother tried to hold me back from it. My cousin invited me to her 21st birthday party in May, and my mother didn't want me to go. She then tried to use church against what I wanted to do...saying things like ';can you go to your cousins party but you can't go to any church events?';...this happens all the time. When people invite me somewhere its always no this and no that, but when a church event comes up she always expect me to go and I never do. I'm not really interested and I would just like to live my life normal.

Then yesterday my cousin invited me to a party he was having and before I could say anything else, it was ';HELL NO. You're not going. They like to drink.'; It wasn't like I was going there to have a few drinks, I was going there just to have fun. I could care less on the drinking part. Plus whenever we do go over to our families house they do drink and smoke, so I don't really see the difference.

I would have a conversation with her about it, but it would get blown out of proportion and she would think little of me. I just don't want to live my life wondering if I'm doing anything wrong and feeling guilty of anything just because of how I was raised. Btw, I'm 19. I just want to live a normal life without any strings attach...Church Vs Social Life? Advice please...?
God doesn't exist. I'm 14 and am to old for these fairy tales. Use your common sense and use your brain. You have one life. Live it to your best.Church Vs Social Life? Advice please...?
It's utter nonsense ie sin to exercise control over a humanbeing unless he/she is a threat to society..A church being a part of society has to make its contribution to building a society that helps man to bloom to the full.So it's wrong to frame a phrase like 'church vs social life'
Leave the church, they are manipulating you.
you're 19? move out.

i'm really sorry about what you're going through, luckily my parents have always given me a choice to go to church or not.

anyways.. you should be able to move out soon, so you can do what you want and make friends.

also, drinking alcohol isn't a sin.

anyways... until you can move somewhere else, you're just going to have to deal with your mom.
Drinking is not a sin. It is only drunkenness that is sin, and like all sins, drunkenness is forgiven completely by the person believing in Jesus alone for salvation

And ';believing in God'; won't save you. Going to a church building won't save you either.

It is only believing in JESUS alone for salvation, that saves :)

Jesus is God, and Jesus loves you so very much! :D

Salvation is a FREE GIFT that happens in a split second when you believe in Jesus alone to save you! It is impossible to lose or ';leave'; salvation (John 6:39-40, John 10:28, 1 John 5:13).

The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal hell, is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross as FULL PAYMENT for all our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you will be in heaven, no matter what!

Please pray now: ';Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!'; You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)
You are going through the normal pangs of teenage life and breaking out on your own. But if you truly believe in God and that Christ died for your sins, you will honor your mother and father. My mother did the same thing when I was a teenager and I was really angry, because I thought I was missing out. But looking back, I'm glad she did that, because many of those kids took a different road in life than I did. Your Mom loves you, and is trying to protect you. You will still have your good days and bad at home, but making the ';right'; choice isn't always the easy road.
sounds like your mom is worried about you and the paths that are out there with so much temptation...she doesnt want you tempted and off the right path.

you shouldnt feel guilty unless you are doing something you know is wrong. you will feel it inside, if you are a believer. if the people you want to hang are bad influences, it will effect your life. you cant think you can some how stay separate from it.

mb to please your mom and open other doors to explore, try some church events. there is no reason why you cant have both a life in and out of church.
try this...

Mom, I am 19 and an adult. I know right from wrong and God knows where I am and what I am doing and I am not going to do anything that he would be unhappy with.

If you have a problem with how you raised me then you need to talk to God about that and let me get on with my life and my walk with God.

Hope this idea helps...

don't do anything that your guardian angel would be embarrassed to see. :)
  • elizabeth arden
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