Ron, not all girls care, just learn how to use your tongue to compensate. I won't lie, though, some do. Just don't be too afraid of the ones who do to find the ones that don't.I have a 2 inch penis,%26amp; it only elongates half an inch after ejaculation.Girls,am i doomed for life?Any advice?
You have so much worry over something so little. Its the having numerous Sex with many other People that causes the problem. read on
Sexual “Leprosy”
◆ It is estimated that as many as 14 million Americans may have genital herpes, and about half a million more get it every year. It is one of the most common venereal diseases. At present there is no cure. It is transmitted by sexual intercourse, including oral sex. From 2 to 8 days after sexual contact, small red bumps appear on the victim’s genitals. These bumps rapidly become painful blisters that can burst and pour out millions of virus particles. The sores heal, but the viruses lodge in nerves near the lower spinal cord and remain there for life. They can return without warning at any time. Each year many babies are born with the disease. More than half of them die, and the survivors often suffer permanent damage. Commenting on the problem, Time magazine stated: “One obvious way to control the disease is abstinence from sex.” Persons who heed the Bible’s counsel to “flee from fornication” have no problem with genital herpes, and can thus marry free from the disease.—1 Cor. 6:18.I have a 2 inch penis,%26amp; it only elongates half an inch after ejaculation.Girls,am i doomed for life?Any advice?
Strange about it growing after ejaculation, that might amuse someone, somewhere, for a short period of time, it`s very unlikely, but you never know.
I would say that you are doomed.
No worries though, you could try and seek celebrity via the Guinness Book.
penile enhancement is growing in popularity among the plastic surgery procedures men undergo these days.
start saving your pennies needle **** you will need them.
if you don't want to have the surgery you could always just tie a board across your *** during sex so you don't fall in.
Your penis gets bigger after ejaculation? Weird...
Just act like a tough guy, buy a mustang, spend 2 hours a day in the gym, and string together a slew of one night stands until someone pities you enough to marry you. That's what all the other people with small penises do.
Yes your doomed.
by the way your in the wrong section its pretty funny though.
obvious troll is obvious
Learn about anatomy and physiology before trolling again...
Bleh. 2 points.
You could use diaphragms as condoms...
The Lord holds you accountable for every idle word you speak.
Get a magnifying glass and a pair of tweezers!!
Try cunnilingus or rimming...women (and men) love it! Best of luck, mate!
you'll be fine. just do small penis fetish porn til you die.
yeah your doomed its in the bible ha ha
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