Saturday, July 31, 2010

What can I do to cheer myself up? Life problems. Advice?

This is me... slightly wavy dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, Malaysian, African-american, Kokesion(sorry for spelling mistakes,in a rush), Indian, advanced schooling(top of class), 11 yrs. old, tall, slender, and popular. Being popular doesn't get to my head(seriously) and I'm really just like everyone else. But...

My problems, I have a suspected case of Trigeminal Neuralgia(lightning pain in my right face) which I've had for 10 months. Because of that I missed the first two months of school(hospitalized). And was rejected from even my best, best friends just because my right cheek didn't look right and I couldn't play a lot of games. I deserve some sympathy! Once they found out, they even rejected me over the summer! I still have ';TN'; but I'm not at the bottom anymore. I'm still rejected by a lot of people. But now what? I still can't play lots of games or run around at recess(the first month back,I couldn't even go outside). Life stinks. Especially for an ordinary 5th grade girl.What can I do to cheer myself up? Life problems. Advice?
You are way ahead of your peers, but just CAN'T realize it. You are very intelligent... and you have a bright future ahead of you. I challenge you to write a list... Write down your top 5 priorities in life... Now read them out loud and think about it. Ok, so i know ';friends'; is on your list... and I'm assuming it is in the number 1 or 2 slot. With your insight and intelligence, you have to make yourself aware that ';friends'; come and go... Especially at your age... You don't know yourself enough to WISELY choose who your friends are. Please, take it from an old guy with a lot of regrets... Friends are not everything in the world... I know at your age it seems like it... But you need to concentrate on your strengths... The prime of your life is yet to come... Don't worry about school drama, who likes you, or anything meaningless like that. Focus on you priorities... (move ';friends'; to the last slot of your priorities). I see a lot of potential in you... And please remember one thing... The prime of your life is yet to come... and don't let your prime come too early... What I mean by this if you think the prime of your life is winning the ';prom queen'; crown... You are selling yourself short. Most of the prom kings and queens, jocks, etc. that I know just live average lives... working at restaraunts... Why? Because they already lived their prime... Your best years aren't even close... Wait until you get to college... you'll meet plenty of guys that share the same interests as you... So for now... the only bit of advice I can give is to use look at your condition as a blessing.... God works in mysterious ways, and you have to turn it into a positive. Best of Luck to you... And I hope to read your novel/dissertation/thesis/textbook someday!!!!What can I do to cheer myself up? Life problems. Advice?
join some clubs or find a community group of kids that are not from your immediate group Kids -girls can be very clique concious at this age and practice how to shut others out Try to find some other interests that you can pursue and you can find friends by mutual interests. Try to join a support group-ask doctor -to talk about others w similar issues Kids that have never been sick or injured have no concept and even get afraid of others who have been through that It makes them think';Mmmm what if that were me, and I'm the same age-no I dont want to think that's even possible for me!'; So they turn awayf rom you becasue they dont want to face their human- ness and frailty. They think their health is guaranteed and as we know it's NOT. May be join a group that visits or helps kids with other more sever problems like cancer. Like some make blankets or small pillows etc for local hospitals ot even for disaster victims overseas etc If you feel up to giving a report on the disorder you might do that in class and let the others know how this affects people Invite some local doctor or nurses etc and bring some other speakers...Make a challenging quiz at the beginng to show them how much they dont know.

Focus on what you can do and feel sorry for those that do not have compassion for others they are immature as well. Good luck and try to have a good day
hi dear i can understand your problem.if your friends are not with you in your badtimes then they were not truly your friends and they dont deserve your friendship forget them .you can get some true friends from normal girls.some true girls dont look for a good face they only want a good heart in a friend.then have fun with them.the day will come when all your problems will be finished.listen it's said ';life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it
I'm very sorry to hear all this. When people come in contact with someone that has an injury, disease or disability their reactions can be quite extreme. One thing you should know is that ';it's them- and not you';. You had no control over getting this illness, so don't feel embarrased about it. It's going to take time to adjust. Eventually this will change and you will have a new problem in the future. Keep your dober up!
I agree with Half BaK, you are smart to realize all of this, so I know you will overcome these feelings of rejection.

Maybe you could reach out to someone else who might be having a difficult time with the same thing or another medical or physical disability.

People are stupid sometimes, and I hate that!

By the way you don't sound like an ';ordinary'; 5th grader. I am amazed at how well you write at your age!! Wow!! You could write a journal or a book and pusblish it to help others in your situation.

Oh, one more thing. There are a lot of ';normal looking'; kids your age that have the same feelling of rejection that you do for other reasons, being poor, not being smart, not being real attractive, etc. With your attitude you could really help them.

My best to you!!!!
At 11 Years old I was so dumb I would've not understood most of what you just typed. As a matter of fact, I still kinda don't understand most of it (25 now).

So you're pretty smart, good job.
don't let your problem interfear with your friends your having a bad time your life seems really bad because you have ';TN'; it's sad that your best freinds have turned thier backs on you ,you need friends the most now. tell your friends exactlly what you are going through and they should hopefully understand. if they don't and you still get left out then go to your principle and tell him/her what's been going on. i'm 13 and i live in britain i don't know what it feels like to have ';TN'; but i bet it really sucks! However i do know what it feels like to have all your friends turn thier back on you you feel like life is over. well, it's not take one day at a time and you'll see that everything will get better.Hope everything works out for you.hope my advice helps.
positive thinking.........
People can be so mean, never wanting to look on the inside of a person. Join some clubs, your so called friend before were not your friend to begin with, sorry I know that hurts. It's not easy growing up because you think no one understands, but it's a lot of people out there that do understand, you are not alone. God made you and Jesus died for you, that alone should shows you how special you are. Don't forget that.

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