Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is a piece of advice for life in general?

Religion included or excluded; Please remember your tolerance and don't thumb down/report an answer unless it is highly offensive. Otherwise, just ignore it please.What is a piece of advice for life in general?
Live, laugh, and love.What is a piece of advice for life in general?
Try and put a little bit of happiness in the world, because there are too many people trying to take out what they can and too many others looking to steal it for themselves.

It is easy to put someone down to try and make yourself look good, but it is the cheap way to live. True adults know that you can also look good by making someone else look or feel good. Charity is good for the soul, but what is best is if you can find a way for everyone to win. It isn’t always possible (sports are a classic example of that), but you can try and you can try to enjoy life along the way. Only one sporting team can win, but they can all enjoy the game. Only one person may get the promotion, but they can work to make the office better for everyone. Only one person can hold a political office, but they do the best when all their constituents’ win.

We tried to teach out kids that it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, but how you play the game. The truth is it does matter, it always matters; but just as important the journey matters too. As you go on in life there is less room at the top so there will always be more losers than winners, but you have to make do with the best you can and keep trying to do better. If you can be happy on that route then it matters less who wins or loses (but no it will always hurt to lose; if not then the game isn’t worth playing now is it).
Life is to short, so live each and everyday to the fullest
Don't drink on an empty stomach
Carpe demi.
just do it ...I live by this

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