Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who in your opinion, is the best for advice from life experience?

Can be anyone....someone you know, someone famous, someone.

Please give their age too.

Thanks! :)Who in your opinion, is the best for advice from life experience?
The best person to solve any problem you may face is yourself, it is your life experiences that will help determine the decisions and best directions you should take. Know one will understand your problems and their consequences better than you. The complication associated with your own life experiences is knowing how those experiences influence the decisions and actions you take (self-awareness).Who in your opinion, is the best for advice from life experience?
Well you never stop learning unless illness takes your ability to learn away. Also many of the old ways of doing things are later found to have been quite good really.

So I would say listen to the people who have been there before.

Also listen to those rare younger people who take the knowledge from older people and make it relevant to the younger generation.

You can't go by artificial accolades like Thumbs Up and Best Answers, as they can be scored for the wrong advice, and perhaps too often are.

The trick to learning for yourself is to ask not just what you want to know but why the answer is what it is.
it depends on the situation and how highly you hold that person in regard. I know a lot of people look up to me (survived a super-duper bad motorcycle -VS- car accident), but I don't really understand why. To me, I'm just the next guy on the block, to others, I'm superman. It's just a point of view.
Old people! They have lived through a lot of ups, downs, good, bad, sadness, agony, fear, pain, happiness, disappointment, etc.

My grandparents had an answer for everything. They were 83 years old when they died. They had so much wisdom and knowledge.
this is an odd question. advice can come from everyone in the world depending on what topic it is. everyone is different and everyone has something to contribute since no two people have the same life experiences!
any grandpa, especially if they had a history of trouble and drug addiction and now they just chill in their wheelchair and act really weird, trust me dude those guys know everything.
I like my own advice because i know what right for me....
old people,and j.c.
Someone who has lived life. I'm going with older people
for me God

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