As you look back and reflect on your life, what is the one piece of advice you wish to impart on the younger generation?What is your life advice?
Try to never go to bed angry at your partner. Waking up angry is not what make a heathly relationship. Also, never tell your kids about things you did that you don't want them doing. I promise they will do it. I know, I raised 5 of them.What is your life advice?
My advice is to stay in school no matter what. Get your education and some on the job experience before you get married or have children. That education is the foundation you should build your life on first before starting a family. No one listens tho because they follow their raging hormones instead of their brain.
life is not perfect; you will never attain perfect state of mind; it is all about percents; you should try to do the best in life even if you fail because almost everybody fail.
Do not worry if you are not good enough. try to do what you can do every day and do not blame yourself for your past mistakes because everyone is making mistakes.
Life is not good. Life is not bad. life is mix of good and bad and you should make it better.
even in the darkest nightmare there is a solution. never give up.
You will always have friends and you will always have enemies. do not worry about enemies, try to be good friend. respect your mother and father and take good care about them.
Have faith in your religion and make prayers every day.
Suffer what you have to suffer and enjoy what you have to enjoy. Be happy with what you are given. there will always be better destinies than yours but there will always be people that suffer more than you.
Accept the inevitable and change what you can change. Have faith in yourself. eat healthy food and be happy will small income. help others and be wise.
Learn a little human body 101.
From the time we are born, to age 18-21, our bodies are growing.
Male and female.
After age 18-21, we are all grown up. What you see in the mirror is what you will have the rest of your life.
After age 18-21 we start aging. Very slowly. It continues over the rest of our lives.
As the years go by, our muscles get smaller, weaker. Our bones get thinner, also weaker.
Everything inside of us entirely depends on the strength of our muscles, which supports our entire body. Loose muscle strength, and we develop various medical problems with our bodies.
And worse! - by age 70, we have LOST 1/3 to 1/2 our body strength! Even getting out of a chair is a challenge.
So you have two choices; 1. Accept loss of muscle strength and bone mass as ';a natural part of aging,'; which is B.S.!! or 2. Realize that you HAVE to exercise every day; even when you are young, for the rest of your life. And exercise means DAILY stretching, DAILY aerobics, DAILY light weight lifting, and ONCE-A-WEEK heavy weight lifting. With exercise, you will STILL loose muscle strength and bone density, but considerably LESS than every one else around you.
I am age 56 and I can bend over and pick up a fire hydrant, swing it around while holding it, bent over!
First I would say get an education and then focus on what you would like to do as a career. Something you would's not always about the money. If you are happy at work you'll be happy at home. It helps create such a positive attitude. BUT REMEMBER ONE THING....KEEP A CLEAN POLICE RECORD! This is something that can ruin all your dreams. Good luck.
Get a solid education. Laugh a lot. Keep your friends close. Work at your passion. Travel. Be honest. Love like there is no tomorrow. Learn to ask for help when you need it. Surround yourself with positive people. Be a friend and be friendly.
Never stop educating and learning. Learning equals earning. If something sounds too good to be true, then it is probably false. Be careful of superstitious people in the 21st century-- they still exist and are extremely ignorant.
Live it! There will be highs and lows and regrets and moments that make you proud, but we all learn as we go and we do all leave it. Enjoy what is enjoyable along the way.
Believe God in Jesus Christ, learn how to live as He wants, trust Him above all else, be grateful for what you have, thankful for what He gives and always seek Him first.
To stay at school and get the best education you can.
Not like yesteryear where you could walk in off the street at 15/16 and find a job.
Be faithful to your mate do the best work you can, and don`t waste your life with worthless people.
Do not get married or in a committed relationship young. Wait till you have found a direction in life.
Love at that moment is not the love that last forever. Love that last forever is a challenge to the end.
Be careful to whom you marry.
Remember your parents and grandparents were once young, too.
Don't marry the first guy that asks you!! Get your education!! And...take care of your body so it will take care of you in your old age!!
Never sleep in a bedroom that faces east if you like to sleep in a dark room.
having sex before marriage is like
opening you christmas presents early
I'd have to say stay true to yourself %26amp; be who you are give respect %26amp; you'll get it in return
Keep moving forward
Be nice to others, yourself and animals.
live life to the fullest..and dont expect too much
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