Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Career/Job/Life Advice...?

I'm kind of in a 'stuck' place %26amp; not sure which direction to go in. I have 2 degrees in totally different subjects and cannot get past $8-$10/hr jobs.

Those salaries are not enough for me to pay for food, housing, transportation %26amp; student loans.

I'm in my 30's. I want to start my life in terms of buying a condo, have kids, pursue some hobbies but I can barely pay for my own expenses (did I mention I just rent a room). I can't even afford to pursue a new degree.

Which direction can I go in? I'm not a good 'people person' which knocks out a lot of jobs %26amp; even having my own business. I'm good at ideas, concepts, creativity and variety.

Any suggestions on what I could do to either decrease student loans, get a better paying job or both?Career/Job/Life Advice...?
Since the late 1980's there had been a steady increase in the number of graduates of all persuasions doing so called ';Mac-Jobs'; so you are not alone. There are plenty of well educated people who have not made a career for themselves.

You don't say what your degrees are in or what you are experienced in so I can't give you any specific information but here is how I went about turning my life around and how I have adviced other people in your situation.

1) Get ruthless with your finances. Ditch any expenditure that isn't absolutely vital and make sure anything you do spend is an investment in where you want to be.

2) Get ruthless with your time. No more tv, no more idling. Ring fence your free time and be sure that you use that time effectively to start thinking about what you are going to do and what you need to learn to get there.

3) Realise that you could be wrong about yourself. You know there are beliefs you have now about what is possible for yourself and some of those you got from the culture you grew up in, some of them you learned from your parents, others you have decided for yourself based on your experience. But you have been wrong before. So what if you were wrong about your beliefs about yourself. What if you are capable of far more than you think?

4) Take time to daydream about your life, in particular the things that you have been passionate about, the things that you love doing, the things you know more than anyone else about. Sure you've got to find some service or value that someone is willing to pay for but you will have far more enthusiasm, energy and passion for that if it is something you love. What about your hobbies?

5) Take a good look at your strengths and your weaknesses. How are your strengths useful to other people, what value to you add to your job over and above what is required of you. Look honestly at your weaknesses. Decide to do something about them. It's never too late to learn.

6) Start looking through the job pages. You mention you are creative so don't just look at the local newspaper. look at trade magazines, internet sites. explore industries you never knew existed. Look out for jobs that you think ';oohhh that sounds cool, I'd love to do that'; or ';Hey I could do that job I'm sure'; Don't worry about not having the experience or qualifications for now. This is just about finding out what you might like to do. The requirements of the job will tell you what you will need to do in order to be in a position to take such a job.

7) Get out and talk to people. Find other people who have turned their life around. Find people doing the jobs you would like to do and find out how they got there. Tell people about your ideas and see what comes back to you. You can't work it all out in your own head. Start putting ideas out into the world, people will respond to the good ones.

8) Be a people person. I know you say you are not a good people person. I see intelligent, resourceful people every day in my coaching practice who are shy, who don't know how to talk to other people or what is expected of them in social situations. And every week I see those people become more confident and more sure of themselves as they learn just how simple it is. Make this your first challenge. Be yourself with other people and it will completely turn your life around. Find some courses you can go on, if you can't afford to pay for them offer to do some voluntary work in return. An investment in yourself will pay for itself tenfold in any job you finally end up doing.

9) Find a good career coach (sometimes a local job agency will have someone who can help you create a great cv). Or find a friend who can do this for you. Look back over your work life, your hobbies, groups and clubs you have belonged to, any responsibility that you have had in your career or your personal life. What skills do these jobs demonstrate? As an example think of the single mum returning to work when her kids are all at school. She has to manage the family accounts, multi task, keep organised, deal with health workers, school teachers etc. All these skills are transferable into other domains.

10) There will always be people who never find the energy or the belief in themselves to turn their life around. But there are millions of people who have: and if one person can do it then that means a) it's possible and b) there's at least one way to learn how to do it. Decide what kind of person you are going to be and stick to it.

11) Be a people person. I know I know, you said you're not good with people. But the very fact that you asked this question means you realise how useful it is to have contact with other people, even strangers who you'll never meet. People are amazing! they are brave, fickle, loyal, beautiful, stupid. And everyone has a unique story to tell. I've spent time with people who I never in a million years thought I would ever have anythingCareer/Job/Life Advice...?
go to this website and see if you can get help

The military may be a place to find your pursuits. Not all positions are combat.

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