Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Looking for Life advice?

Sorry if this is a bit drone.

Ok I know life is ultimately up to me but I really don't have anyone to look to for advice or guidance so why not ask a bunch of strangers that don't know me???

First is I am 25 years old and still live at home. The ONLY reason I still live at home is I have a disabled mom who needs help around the house and her husband works too much to help and my brothers and sisters refuse to help. That being said my life was put on hold pretty much as soon as I graduated high school I didn't get to go to college I don't really have a social life at all. My life revolves around making sure my mom has what she needs. But in doing so she 110% does not appreciate it at all and controls almost every aspect of my life. I mean I feel like a teen all the time.

Everything has to be her way period. And if it is not you will know by the tantrums and her downgrading you until you feel like nothing. But as soon as you do what she wants she acts like you are the best thing in the world. I am literally terrified when I hear her go to the kitchen of a morning if she doesn't speak. Because if she doesn't speak first I know she is going to do something that day to make me feel worthless.

I don't know if I should just keep my mouth shut until I can move out. Or if I should say something. On the good days me and my mom get along FANTASTICALLY!Looking for Life advice?
I agree with the above. I was in almost exact same situation with no appreciation feeling like my mom didn't give a hell about me as long as I was doing something for her.

We got along great as long as everything was her way but if I had a different opinion all hell broke loose.

I didn't get up and start shouting like a child or stomp off I sat down and talked to her like an adult.

I have since moved out and began my own life and me and my mom talk on the phone at least 3 times a week and I visit her often. There is no more downgrading me or making me feel like nothing.

My mom too is disabled and now she has people to help her out. Doesn't mean I totally cut her off I help when I can. And I didn't just leave without making sure she had the help she needed.Looking for Life advice?
well you can ask this advice at jamrie.com

its more of a personal advice website.

people over there might be able to help you out.

i go there all the time!
You know what, you have lost many years of your life taking care of your mother, and I would certainly say you are a good son.It's time that you leave and live your own life doing what you want to do. You need to tell your mom and dad both that they must hire someone to take care of your mother, that you will be moving out. All the good you have done for your mother and she treats you bad, that is not right. I wish you worlds of luck and hope you can leave soon.
She treats you badly because...she can. You have not told her that her bad behaviour is not acceptable...it doesn't mean you love her any less just because you tell her . What you need to do is ..stop looking for her approval...stop putting your hand out to have it slapped ..stand up for yourself. Maybe that is why the rest of the family don't do much for her...because they wont accept her ..thankless behaviour. It appears you get on FANTASTICALLY when everything is going her way. You are 25yrs old and that is old enough to take a stand...if she doesn't like it...then you need to move out and get a life for yourself.

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