Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Looking for life advice here...family/career?

I'm looking for some advice. I work for a small business which means job security will never be there for me. This stresses me out when we get slow and makes me think that I should go and finish my degree and study to get the computer certifications I want.

So I have 2 options.....

1. Live life to the fullest. Not live life based off fear of losing your job. Spend and enjoy my free time with my wife and baby as well as doing things I enjoy. If the worst happens with my job, worry about it then.


2. Spend most of my free time away from my family and the things I enjoy, studying to achieve something I may very well never use. Do this strictly out of fear. But on the flip side, I will be more prepared if the worst does happen.

Opinions?Looking for life advice here...family/career?
I would vote for #2. You are not a free spirit, you're a husband and a father. Your first responsibility is to provide security and safety for your family, even if you find it unpalatable.

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