I just graduated high school and was supposed to attend university in the fall but things got really screwed up. me and my boyfriend of almost 3 years basically planned our lives together. we decided to stay in the city and go to university together, he got a place downtown near the school and i was supposed to stay there with him and things were going to be perfect. Now everything is different. Over the past couple of months things got bad between me and my boyfriend, we got in fights and the cops issued restraining orders etc. Basically me and him aren't allowed to be together anymore. As much as i love him i know how bad he is for me. He pretty much isolated me from my friends and family, he got physical with me and i am a mess and in a really bad depression. I do not want to go to the university i am supposed to go to and i dont even think that i can anymore. I dont want to be one of those people who just doesnt go to school after high school and i know that if i dont go this year i 100% will the following year. But i dont know what to do about this year. Im depressed and confused. Talking to my parents or anyone else for that matter is not an option for different reasons that arent important. What can i do for myself to make me feel better and make this year productive? i just want to be happy.I screwed up my life- advice?!?
You didn't screw up your life!
Do you know which other school you would go to? Check with their admissions office: Can you enroll there for the spring semester, and if you go ahead and take classes this fall at the downtown university would those credits transfer? If they do transfer, keep in mind that a semester isn't that long, and you'll be busy. It will fly by. Seriously consider gutting it out.
Worst case scenario, you miss 1-2 semesters of school and graduate 5 years after high school. Lots of people do the 5th year because they've changed majors. It's no big deal whatsoever. If it's important for you to finish in 4 then you can make up the missing semesters by taking a couple of summer classes each year. Taking summer classes will help you get a job on campus, as well, since some positions are available only to year-round students.
Good luck!I screwed up my life- advice?!?
If you can't talk to your parents or friends, then you should find a group that you can talk with and get advise. If you don't want to go to the university then you should go to one of the commuinty colleges to get a step in the right direction. I think you should go to school it might help you with the depression. Meeting new people in school will help.
im sorry that you had to go through so much it must be really
hard but you are very strong bec your dealing with it.. take a
year off of school or go to a community collegee for the first
year theirs nothing wrong with that. its really hard but you need
to make new friends and start going out and meet new ppl..
dont think of the good times with him think of the bad if he loved
u he would never lay a finger on you no matter how mad he is..
well, if it might be a release for u - i couldn't get into uni for 3 years after school. but because i was determined i finally made it. so if u re determined and u know u will get there - find a job. better in some other place. or even in another country - u will see the world, maybe u will get new friends
well in really think you need 2 talk 2 some one about your problems it will really help you move on with your life. n you really shouldnt go to the same collge that your ex goes 2 he sounds dangerous . and you didnt screw up your life you just been hurt .
Pull yourself together go off to college and live your life, you'll meet new people, occupy your time and get over the past. Life is what you make it -sounds like ur ex is taking the wrong path! U now have a chance take it not every1 gets this opportunity
Take a few courses to start with and take it from there, but by all means, if you have the opportunity to attend college, do not pass it up.
get away - and the best place to go to is college -
trust me when I say this - you will go there - make allot of friends
do allot of partying - and you will eventually get over the whole thing
go have fun!!!
Get a job, take some classes online or on campus but part time. Stay away from the ex boyfriend.
Get a job and sign up up for some online classes
If he hit you ? you are better off getting over him now, even though it hurts. Go to school as planed and forget this guy. Don't let what he did
mess up your life plans. Raise your head up high and move on. Mr right will come along soon enough. Might even be better off the first few months in school just being free. Call the school and tell them what happened and ask for help finding a place to stay. You are worth so much more then any guy that would hit a woman.
Move on kid :)
1, stay away from him and also don't date for a while until you are sure that you know how to choose men more wisely.
If you decide not to go to school this year, don't fret. I traveled the year after graduation from highschool and then did a lot of other things and didn't go back to post secondary until I was 21 or so. No stress... if you want to go back, you will.
To make your year productive, you can either go to school now or work and sort out life issues and live and learn because this is the time to be doing this, you know? Enjoy your youth and make good choices!
You are in self-denial. Despite knowing that your BF is bad for you, that you got ugly fights with him enough to be issued restraining orders by the police, causing isolation from your family and now you have no more motivation to study - you say you still love him? Well, the reason maybe is that you have created beforehand a fantasy and a dream that has dug deep into your soul (so to speak) and never did you imagine it could not materialize anymore because of the recent events. Wake up! Put yourself together and realize that he is not worth your dreams anymore because he won't put up with you anymore no matter what you think. Move on, there's a lot more to life than your dream boy gone mad.
I am so sorry Amanda, to hear that at such an important time in your life that troubles has decided to call on you.
Breaking up with someone whever nice way or not, is never easy and is bound to make your life miserable for a while. Quite for how long depends on you. If you allow this to ruin your future you will come to regret this. if you decide to continue with your original plan and get on with it, then the situation may very well pale quickly.
I almost guarantee that despite what you say, if you do not go to university now then you certainly wont in a year, a decade or a lifetime its just pushing it back makes it seem smaller and more controllable and yet when next year arrives it will appear as large if not larger than it does today.
read the other answers, most are saying how you will meet and make loads of new friends, be able to party and have fun.
That many people cant be wrong.
Good luck Amanda
well babe if you don't go for your self then go to show the jerk that
nothing is going to stop me from getting the education i deserve.
never let a man get you down your to damn good for that. if you don't
go then he will be saying to his self. i put a stop to that. and i know
that you have the power not to let that happen. he has all ready done
enough to you so don't let him prevent you from doing what you wanna
do and so much need to do. go on with your life and plans. be all you
can be. there is not a man in the world wort the pain and suffering you
have experienced. good luck now go get that education.
You have not screwed up your life but you came awfully close. Take a deep breath, apply to a different school even if you start a semester late. You must have a place of your own now. If not, find one even if it's back with the folks. At most, you've lost a few months of school and in return you've gained back the rest of your life. You two obviously can't live together, so that's simply not an option. There are a lot of nice guys and you'll meet one but let gettting your own life in order and moving forward be your main focus. This is nowhere as bad as it seems right now. I wish you the best of luck.
The best thing you can do is go back to the university and get involved, try to keep busy. Easier said than done; my last year in undergrad my ex cheated on me and we broke up. As much as I knew I HAD to go to school to finish, I could not concentrate and staying there was going to affect me grades. I ended up applying for a scholarship to study abroad, I was granted the scholarship, and went to South America to study for the semester. It was the best thing for me, I met so many new people and when I came back I felt so much better about myself and the entire situation. I totally understand about not being able to talk to someone at times, but being somewhere different and sharing your problems with new people that have similar problems really helped me.
aww - I am so sorry sweetie. I can imagine it feels like your world is crumbling. But its not the case, and things will turn around. I think your first step is to see if you can go to the university. If so, ask to speak with an advisor and explain the situation. Make sure you will have classes that will not have you run into your ex (I am hoping by ow after all of this, he is an ex). See if you can transfer to another university, or maybe take night or online classes. The only way to make this year productive is to brush yourself off and make it happen! You decide your fate, not your ex or your friends or family. Dont put off going to school because of some bad choices. Think of your future. Besides, by going to the university - it wil keep you very busy and meeting new people. You will be feeling better before you know it. Surround yourself with people who have the same goals and ideas as you, keep family and friends close - those are the people who want the best for you and will give you the best advice. Good luck, things will turn around soon!
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