Monday, August 23, 2010

I need some life advice?

Well I am in a weird situation as far as my life goes. Basically, I was raised by my grandmother and she passed away a couple months back. Now that I'm over the grief, I'm somewhat frightened since I am all alone and my life has no meaning. I have my own online business and work by myself. I make good money but have no friends and don't have a personal relationship with anyone in this world. It's a weird solitary life... I wake up, go for a jog, eat then work all day then eat dinner and sleep.. day in day out. Weekends after my jog I just plant myself in front of the TV all day. I don't have the social skills and don't know how to change my life, I am very unhappy. I guess my life is better than some people since I have money to take care of myself, so should I just live my life this way, since I don't really have the skills or know how to change it, or the courage to talk to girls.I need some life advice?
You should see ';Taxi Driver'; when De Niro plays ';God's lonely man';.

If I were you, I would become a taxi driver,and later I'd go on a rampage until the cops kill me.Since you have the money ,it would be easy to buy some good pistols.I need some life advice?
Well, your in luck, there is a site for you:

';since I don't really have the skills or know how to change it, or the courage to talk to girls.';

Trust, women love to YAP! They want YOU to listen. :-)

I know this may come down as pretty heavy reading, but two books I would recommend you read to help you keep a girl friend or wife when you DO get one:

Love Busters

His Needs/ Her Needs

read these and you will be light years ahead of MOST men who ';think'; they have experience and know what they are doing.

Good Luck!
two days ago you said you dated a girl for 6 months. you must have had some social skill to date for that long. you must have talked to her at some point during the 6 months. good luck to you
I am very close to my Grandma and I take care of her a lot, Since I'm only 16 it is hard for me. I have thought about what I'll do when she is gone, But I know I have other people arounf me.

Maybe you should go out and party a little, it never hurt anyone to have a little fun. After a while I'm sure everything is going to get better. It is hard for me a 16 year old girl to tell you that everyones life has a meaning, But it's true. You are here for a reason, Maybe you should put yourself out in the world to find out what your use is.


-Emeyle me you are some what shy man....but try going to some clubs ..and ask girls'll be ok....good
umm wow. if i were you honestly i would see a phsycologist. it might be procy but he can help you ease into a social life. best i can do
You have skills and communicate very well. Self confidence may be lacking here. And to say your life has no meaning is just to judgmental. Perhaps if you judge yourself so harshly then you just might be doing this to those around you. Just start hanging around the kid of people you have things in common with. Did you just say they do not exist. Sorry again they do. Life is a hunt for a treasure. even though it might be hard to find the search is worth it.
First, let me offer my condolences. Fortunately, I've never lost someone I loved, seeing how I'm still quite young, but I'm sorry for your loss.

But now that you're getting over the grief, I think it's time to be free for a moment. You are no longer required to take care of your grandmother since she's in a better place. Now it's time to take care of YOURSELF. Since you said you have the money to take care of yourself, why don't you take a vacation to another country? Somewhere you haven't been before, but somewhere where you at least know the language. It's a great way to meet new people to form new friendships/relationships, but also, you'll get to experience a totally new place.

Maybe all you need is just a little change in your life, instead of doing the same thing every day.

Everyone is afraid at some points, but maybe someone else is too. Maybe they don't have the courage to do the things they want. You just need to take the first step.

Hope things get better.
Okay first off you are not alone God is with you always and he wants you to know him and love him trust him and talk to him he is just sitting there trying to wait for you to run to his arms he is never going to leave you alone and he will never ever break your heart no mater what you say or do. don't hate me for telling you the truth i am really sorry bout your grandmother. you can e-mail me if you would like really i would like to help but God can help you a lot more then i can sorry this is so long but i don't want to leave you w/out and answer. E-mail me if you would like to get in contact you will be in my prayers always.
Well money doesnt make someone happy if there's no love... if u preffer love over money go look for a job that would leave u time 2 go out 2 clubs and meet people... and if u stay in ur house 2 watch tv u aint gonna find any friends... go out and live life, spend ur money in wat makes u happy... after ur been loved , money wont be so important :)
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