i already posted this question but i need more answers
i mightbe in love with my (guy) best friend i have known him for almost 7 years and he is always good at making me laugh problem is he is dating one of my best friends i'm not going to tell her but i don't know if i should tell him advice please!! oh by the way you should know that i am under the age of 15 if that helps for better adviceLove life advice please!!!?
Describe to me how you feel about this guy. (in a email if us wish).
If you are in love then my advice would be to wait. I mean true-love does not seek its own happiness, you need to wait. I know that it will be tough, but you must. You needn't need to tell them right now, there is time, it is not the end of the world yet..... remember patience is a virtueLove life advice please!!!?
Love triangles are sticky...but my adivce is that the longer you keep it to yourself and hide it the harder it will be to hold yourself back from doing something that will hurt more people than necessary. Being in love with your best friend's bf is dangerous. You could loose your best friend and the one you love. But from personal experience...boys come and go. They break your heart, you break theirs, you loose interest..ect...but friendship runs so much deeper. I'd never wish to loose my best friend over a guy..no guy (at least in my opion) is worth that. My best friend has stuck by me through really terrible times in my life and really good ones..and i'd never want to jepordize that. Sorry for writting a novel...lol...but i hope everything works out for you!
man ur gonna be ';in love'; like 4 more times before u even get outa school just b patiant if i can rmbr bck that far i dont think middle school relationships ever last very long so bide ur time
Hay you know i just turned 15 and i am in the same spot as you. LOL. I know my guy friend from 3rd grade. That's what 7 years too. Well my two friends started to date in 7th grade and broke up in the middle of 9th grade.
You are in a tough spot but the answer is really easy when you ask yourself the right questions.
1) Is your girlfriend your best friend?
2) Would she steal a boyfriend from you?
3) If you break them up, how will your reputation be affected at school?
He will likely find lots of other girls and you will likely find lots of other boys.
Count the cost of friendship and your reputation. Even if he shows an interest in you, I think keeping your girlfriend is still the most important thing so let him go on to his next conquest.
Jim DeSantis
if ur serious about this guy, and if he is also serious about you..you both need to stop being fake and tell your bestfriend. because when karma bites you back, it rips up the skin. it's better for all 3 of you..
well, im 15 and am in the best relationship ever. im actually wid my brothers best friend. When i told my boyfriend that i liked him a lot, i was sooooooo worried that everything would be weird. not just with me and him, but with my brother and him. but sometimes we as wemon have to just take that step. i know it will be hard but you have to. You just have to expect the worse. meaning, if u do say what u feel inside and he turns you down you will know that it wasnt meant to be. I remember i would get so p i s s e d when people said i dont know what love is. The truth is no body does. I condsider love a forbidden feeling that refuses to be explained. but through these years that i have been with him i learned what love is, and it is exactly what love is. U know when you love someone when your head and heart is set one that one person and u preety much have binders on your eyes so you dont let yourself see anyone else. as far as your chick-friend goes you also have to respect her, you can say you love him (only if you truly do) and know your bounderies when i comes to what you say and how you act. Just be sure to follow you head and your heart, not just your heart because your heart will lie to you, cuz thats just the way love is. I know i love who i am with because i would take a buttet and walk through fire. I am with the man im with because i feel in my heart and know in my head he would do the same for me. the world may not agree that were're together cuz hes 18, but we dont give a F- U- C- K. what im tryin to say is that follow your heart but be smart enough to trust your mind. If its meant to be then it will be. It may not be right now, maybe later. But it might not be meant to be at all, be prepared for that just in case. If your willin to shed blood, sweat, and tears for this guy, then your ready for love, but if you cant be ready for possible heart ache, your time for love isnt right now. ';LOVE HIM'; or ';LOVE YOU'; are four very powerful words use them wisly, and with true feelings. not just lust or possible jealosy to maybe get your friend back, cuz that would be cold on your part. but if it is love him and he seems happy, let him be happy. you cant force someone into something or force them out of something its impossible. MY BEST ADVICE, for now, like right this second, and as long as their relationship lasts, respect him and her and never let go of him, cuz if what you feel is true love you will always love, honor, respect, and keep him with you with out letting go, and holdin tight. Really listen to what your heart.... and what head says. good luck ma!
You shouldn't tell him if he has a girlfriend. Besides, you are under 15. You don't need a boyfriend, or all the drama that will come from telling the guy that you like him. Your friend will get mad, your guy friend might have mixed feelings about going out with your friend after hearing that, it could wreck your friendship with both of your friends, and there is no point. It won't accomplish anything by telling him that you like him. No offence, but it sounds to me like you might be a little jealous that your friend is going out with the guy that you like. Just keep him as a friend and don't tell him that you like him. Maby after you are a little older, he breaks up with your friend, and you are pretty sure that he likes you. Just wait a while and see what happens.
what u thinking about her ias she like you what your heart sat about her is she your friend or more than friend if your heart say that she is the only friend of yours so please dont break your friendship because friendship is the only way from which help we mantain our feelings very free,
now its all depend on you do that what your heart says,
best of luck yours friend
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