Saturday, August 21, 2010

Life advice? Career advice please?

Okay.. let me give you a basic summary of things.. I am 20 years old. I have financial responsibilities.. bills include.. rent.. pge.. cable.. insurance.. you know all of that.. Ive had a good job and have been making about 2700/mo..I also have savings of about problem is I just found out our company has been taken over and I am getting laid off. I have about 2months left here max.. I need advice on what I should do.. I basically have two options.. find another job.. ive found another job that im pretty sure Ill get since i have the skills for it but its about a 45min drive from where i live.. Id probably be making about the same pay..or a second option would be going back to school... my education basically stopped at highschool.. i graduated and took a few college classes at my city community college but later dropped them so I would really be starting from scratch trying to get my AA... I just dont know what to do... a part of me wants to just go and get that other job but Im just afraid of being laid off again at a later point in time and me being in a worst if i had kids, etc. it would be much more difficult.. and that makes me think maybe i should go back to school now while i dont have children to be able to have kids and have a more stable career... I have the savings to be able to go to school and still be able to pay my bills but i just dont know if its worth it.. i mean i really have no clue as to what i want to be or what carreer to pursue and will getting my AA really help me get a better job with better pay than what i can get now.. I just dont want to spend all my savings and then finish school and be making the same thing im making now.. then it wouldnt seem worth it. I work in banking so basic jobs are 9-5 so school and working that job wouldnt work especially if my jobs in a different city, I just know it would be too much. If i do decide to go back to school I would probably get a part time job too. But wont be making anything like what i make now.. my monthly bills/ expenses total about 1600/mo. I just need some advice as to which path i should take.. I still have sometime to decide what to do...registration opens in about a month and im losing this jobs in about 2months.. so I dont have a huge period of time..but time.. so what do you think? advice? opinions? thanksLife advice? Career advice please?
What about taking the job that is 45 min away and doing online schooling? I am a mom and work (well, I just moved and am in the process of looking for work) full time and I also go to school full time online. I attend the University of Phoenix and love it!

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