Monday, August 23, 2010

Life advice? (not suicidal rant promise)?

Ok here's the problem... my life feels like it's just not really all that great right now. I have almost no contact with any friends or family. I'm 25 y/o and still working at the same job that I started at in HS and have made it to middle manager (yippie) but massivly dead end and soul-sucking (pay=fail too).

I HAVE been diagnosed w. depression but I'm not treating it.

I'm afraid I'm nocturnal... I'm having a really hard time staying awake durring the day. I'm basically living my life backwards... I wish I could have this type of energy durring the day. I've been thinking nursing or counciling (to get good $ and work night shift... but I';m already a certified teacher, even though I'm sure I'll never get a teaching job)

My insurance blows and I can't really get help w/o breaking the bank.

My friends think I have my priorities all mixed up. I should be devoted to looking for a better/real adult job... I just lack all motivation. Every time I look at my resume I want to cry.

I like learning Japanese, and drowing myself in it as well as food to numb myself.

Has anyone had good luck with some sort of self-help or book, or something? I feel like I'm in a rut and I don't really know what to do to get out. I just don't want to still be here 10+ years down the line (I've actually almost been like this for 10 years, really scary)Life advice? (not suicidal rant promise)?
I have been through what you are going through. I tried everything I could - so many things I couldn't list them all here.

The one thing that turned my life around was this: start going to bed and going to sleep when the sun goes down and get up with the sunrise.

Sounds simple enough but it really works.

When you go to bed, stay in complete darkness until sunrise. If you absolutely desperately need to get up during the night to go to the toilet, don't put any lights on. And never go to the fridge after you've gone to bed for the night. Even the fridge's internal light is enough to upset what your body will be doing.

What this does is fix up the levels of melatonin in our brains, which in turn fixes up a whole bunch of other stuff, including serotonin levels, which, when low, are the cause of depression.

You might find it hard to stick to at first but believe me, the difference in the way you feel will astound you.

Once I got into this routine, I found it amazingly easier to right my bad eating habits and I had more energy and started exercising again.

Before long I felt like, and was, a completely different and much better person, with a whole new outlook on life.

Good luck. I'd love to hear back if you try it.Life advice? (not suicidal rant promise)?
you might find happiness putting any extra energy looking for a career through advice from a local college. Once you talk with them, you will see many different things out there you can do and become. Life doesn't end with just one job if you don't let it. And education, continuing or not, will keep you busy for a long time.
Here is the thing, your perfectly healthy and you have a job though it may suck because lets face it everyone hates their job. All that's wrong with you is depression which I also suffer from and you a more of a night person so, tell your boss that if he needs a person that works nights to call on you and call your friends and have a chat.
be proactive.

the 7 habits by Stephen Covey helps.

it didn't' help me all that much because i didn't apply it... but it helped a little.

don't give up dude, the birds will always sing tomorrow. and you never know who you will run in to 10 years from now, or what you will be doing. the economy could be blossoming and jobs could be sprawling!
I look at this and I think, ';Maybe she could move to the West Coast and teach ESL to Japanese immigrant kids.';

Sounds a tad far-fetched, but sometimes you need to do something radically different to get your head (and your heart?) repositioned.
The Secret: Rhonda Byrne
Good your not suicidal, However you need to take your own advice. Your priorities are what you decide not what your friends say. I Think all you need is a good reason to go for what you want to go for. Money is an easy motivator for some, That may not be yours. You say your a certified teacher? well then teach. Also you can make as much money as a bank clerk as you would a teacher for a 11th grade english class. (my english teacher) also it is a job you could have gotten right out of high school. Keep looking for a good reason to live your day up and be happy.

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